Public Safety Professionals mark your calendars for October 25th! We're thrilled to host our third annual Appreciation Dinner, celebrating all first responders and public safety heroes in Benton, Sherburne, and Stearns counties. This exciting evening will spotlight incredible individuals and organizations with our coveted Public Safety Awards. Plus a Special Guest Hunter Pinke. Don’t miss out!
Free for each First Responder + 1
Event Details
Special Guest Speaker: Hunter Pinke
Friday, October 25th: 5PM Social Hour + 6PM Dinner & Program
Park Event Center, Waite Park, MN
Please contact Jenifer Odette if you have questions (320)309-9202 or Email
Community Partner Sponsor
Highlighting the vital role of local supporters who strengthen public safety efforts across the region.
2024 Award Recipients
Department or Team of the Year
The Freeport Fire& Rescue Department will receive the Department of the Year Award.
Outstanding Contribution to Public Safety Award include
Scheels Corporation (Waite Park location), which generously supports area law enforcement departments
with public safety equipment and other donations.
St. Cloud Police Officer Nicholas Tylutki for his professionalism and compassion in managing pedestrian
safety concerns on the Anacostia railway in St. Cloud.
City of Rockville Fire Chief Rodney Schaefer, for his many years of exceptional dedication, leadership
and service.
A special recognition, Life Saving Award, will be presented to individuals in the City of St. Joseph Police
Department and Fire Department, Mayo Ambulance and staff members of Little Saints Academy, for their
response to a medical emergency.